Now available at both of our locations, beautiful poinsettias in many shapes and sizes.  We have:

* Glitter Poinsettia Stem 28″

* 31″ Poinsettia

*  13″ Poinsettia

*         Poinsettia Tree

*  6″  Poinsettia

Here are some helpful care instructions for your poinsettias:

  • Remove the paper/plastic sleeve as soon as possible once inside your home/office. (Leaving your plant in the sleeve too long builds up ethylene gas and will make the plant wilt or look “sleepy”. It is called epinasty)
  • Place your plant in indirect sunlight for at least 6 hours a day.
  • Room temperature between 64-70 degrees F.
  • Remember your poinsettia is a tropical plant and does not like cold drafts, air registers or open doors and windows or excessive heat.
  • Check for water daily, most likely your poinsettia will need water 1-2x’s per week depending on room temperature and light levels. Water when soil is dry to touch or the pot feels light. The best way to water your plant is to remove the foil/saucer and place plant in sink and      water well until water runs out of bottom of pot. After watering let plant(s) drain for a few minutes then place back in foil/saucer. If you can’t move your plants to a sink then water slowly, let water drain into saucer and discard excess water, don’t let plants sit in water. Poinsettias don’t need fertilizer while blooming.
  • Poinsettias like other tropical plants will acclimatize to your home environment; the biggest trick to be consistent with your care
Beautiful Poinsettias

Beautiful Poinsettias