Color Spotlight of 2023

Step into a world of captivating hues and artistic expression as we unveil the vibrant palette of the year. The 2023 Clark+Kensington Color Spotlight is your gateway to a symphony of beautiful colors that will elevate your spaces and ignite your imagination. This year’s collection is a testament to the art of blending innovation with timeless charm, presenting you with a curated selection that encapsulates the spirit of the moment. From soothing neutrals that evoke a sense of serenity to bold and adventurous shades that make a statement, each color has been thoughtfully chosen to harmonize with diverse aesthetics and moods. Join us on a journey through this kaleidoscope of colors, and discover how the 2023 Clark+Kensington Color Trend palette can transform your surroundings into a masterpiece of style and ambiance.

Click Each Image to Color Spotlight Video
color spotlight
color spotlight
color spotlight