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Glitter Paint is the Newest Home Decor Trend

People are loving the glitter paint decorating trend. Not just reserved for little girl’s bedrooms, this trend is showing everywhere from glamorous bathrooms to luxurious bedrooms. Glitter paint is transforming spaces and furniture. While it may seem dramatic, when used in the right context, glitter and sparkle can complement almost any kind of decor. Rust-Oleum offers Glitter interior wall paint by the quart and gallon. It is ready-mixed and provides a multi-dimensional shimmer without the mess of glitter everywhere. Want to add a little shimmer to your home? Here are some glitter paint how-to tips.

Simple Application Directions

Rust-Oleum Glitter Paint leaves behind a beautiful, glittery shimmer. The beauty is that you can apply it using all the traditional methods for painting: bristle brush, sponge brush, roller, or sprayer. The product cleans up easily with soap and water. It dries to the touch in an hour and is completely dry within four hours. A light coat is recommended. And, the final result is a slightly textured, low profile finish.

Proper Prepping Makes a Difference

Before applying Rust-Oleum Glitter Paint, you should prepare the surface. Thoroughly clean and repair and remove any imperfections. That way you start with the smoothest surface for even application. If starting with a blank wall or refinishing furniture, we recommend a primer base.

Wall Application Ideas

  • Glitter paint can seem overwhelming on all four walls of a room. But, many elegant applications can make a classy statement that is sure to wow anyone who enters the room.
  • Accent wall; Consider applying glitter paint in a bedroom behind the bed, or in a bathroom on the wall behind the sink and mirror. Add a glamorous touch to dining rooms perhaps on a wall behind a buffet.
  • Accent Patterns; Are you in love with glitter paint and want to use it on all four walls? Consider painting a pattern. Perhaps horizontal and vertical stripes in contrasting colors to your wall color. Or, use the same color as your wall to add the illusion of glimmer with a reverse line pattern. Lastly, play around with zig-zags and chevrons.

Furniture and Decor Refinishing Ideas

  • Want to make a bold statement in an otherwise neutral room? Consider adding a glamorous glimmering piece of furniture. Use it as the centerpiece of a living room, bedroom, or bathroom.
  • Not quite courageous to add such an outspoken piece? Consider using the Rust-Oleum glitter paint to accent features on your favorite furniture. For example, paint the drawer fronts in contrasting glittery hues. Or add a touch of sparkle to decorative appliques.
  • Want to add a touch of shimmery light to any wall? Consider painting the frame of a mirror or artwork and hang it above a mantle or on the wall to brighten any room.

Add a bit of pizzazz to any room with Rust-Oleum Glitter paint. Available at Sneade’s Ace Home Center by the quart or the gallon. Need extra inspiration or glitter paint how-to tips? Our knowledgeable and friendly staff can answer questions on what tools are best or how much paint you need to buy for your project. Glitter paint inspiration and product know how…another reason Sneade’s Ace is the Place!